What do we offer here?

Dear stranger,

If you came to us at Delphi to sort out your love life or to make known on auspicious time for your undertakings, we are truly sorry. We have long ceased to give that sort of advise.

But if it so happens that you are a military general in an alliance ,or just a luxury goods merchant, you have come to the right place at the right time.

We, at this oracle, can offer you a parchment to map out all cities over ikariam world. We can chart your information, be it your allies colonies so that you can watch over each other and plan for expansion, or be it colonies of your dreaded enemies so that you can plan for a better war strategy, or places of interest for you traders to flock upon, we can help you with that.

Go and see our map scribe here and hand him your informations, he can chart it for you for a meagre fee, or perhaps you can talk to him over coffee...

Wait dear stranger, we offer much more, and as there are many spies and acquiantence at our disposal, we can get you information that you dreadly require but will not taint your hand dirty in getting it, because repercussions is sometimes ugly. Consider this, we can do it for you, and if we fail, we'll take the responsibility on our guild and no words shall be spoken about you. Of course, a small token must be passed to sort out our predicaments.

If you must, please do so, but discuss it in privy, away from any watchful eye. Go in here, in this secure innerstudy, and talk to our advisor of your needs.

Till then,

The oracle at DELPHI

Post your comment here


the oracle said...

pour your heart out here, dear traveller

Anonymous said...

just click on the scribe image to comment, default comment button seems to be screwed...

the oracle said...

AS i am not fully engaged in ikariam no more, i'llbe giving the map for free,

p/s : i wont be updating this site any more